Please read these terms and conditions of use carefully before using our website and services, including but not limited to the following:
This document sets out the terms by which we provide services to you on this website:https://game.asflory.com/,including but not limited to the websites listed above.
These terms constitute a contractual agreement between you and us. BY ACCESSING, ACCESSING, USING AND/OR JOINING (COLLECTIVELY, "USE OF") THIS WEBSITE, YOU UNDERSTAND AND ACCEPT THESE TERMS. The terms "you" or "your" as used in this document refer to you, any entity you represent, you or its representatives, successors, assigns and affiliates, and any of your or their equipment.
These Terms also include certain limitations of liability and legal disclaimers that limit our liability. In other words, your use of the Services is at your own risk and we are not responsible and make no warranties, express or implied, with respect to the Services.
These terms of use by you apply to the use of game.asflory.com's web and mobile phones, mobile applications and other content, website and any related services (including servers, infrastructure and facilities) provided by game.asflory.com (the "Services"). Use of the Services is also governed by SPIL's Privacy Policy or the Privacy Policy that determines the Mobile Application Privacy Policy, which are incorporated herein and found here for Web Games and Apps. game.asflory.com may, at its sole discretion, add any website to or remove any website from this list at any time.

1. Subject to your agreement and compliance with these Terms of Use and any other related policies and terms and conditions, game.asflory.com grants you a non-exclusive, non-transferable, non-sublicensable, revocable limited license subject to the following access and use limitation, this service is used for your own non-commercial entertainment purposes. You agree not to use the Services for any other purpose. game.asflory.com offers a wide variety of games and popular apps on other platforms such as its web portal and app store. In most cases it is free unless otherwise stated. However, you are solely responsible for any charges that you may incur from using the Service through any wireless or other communication service. In some games, you can purchase virtual items (such as virtual game elements or virtual coins) or use subscriptions to download games. In order to process any payments on the game.asflory.com website or any other platform, game.asflory.com Games may use third party payment providers as specified in clause 6.
2. Grant of Use
a. We grant you a non-exclusive, non-transferable, and limited right to access, non-publicly display, and use the Service, including all content available therein (the “Content”) on your computer or mobile device consistent with these Terms and subject to the restrictions (technical and otherwise) of the Service. You may only access and use the Service for your personal and noncommercial use.
b. This grant is terminable by us at will for any reason and at our sole discretion, with or without prior notice. Upon termination, we may, but shall not be obligated to: (i) delete or deactivate your Account or use of the Service, (ii) block your e-mail and/or IP addresses or otherwise terminate your use of and ability to use the Service, and/or (iii) remove and/or delete any of your User Submissions (defined below). You agree not to use or attempt to use the Service after said termination. Upon termination, the grant of your right to use the Service shall terminate, but all other portions of these Terms shall survive. You acknowledge that we are not responsible to you or any third party for the termination of your grant of use.
c. In addition to the terms set forth herein, your use of the Service shall be limited by the rules, features and technical restrictions of the Service, which may change from time to time in our sole discretion. You shall not attempt to use the Service in any manner in which the Service is not intended or permitted to be used.
3. You may create an account ("Account") on the Service. By creating an account, you confirm that you are at least 16 years old.
4. Your username is a unique identifier you choose or we provide to identify you on the Services. You may only have one account on game.asflory.com our site, one account per game. If you have multiple accounts, game.asflory.com reserves the right to delete any of your accounts. You may not sell, rent or give away your account, create an account with false identity or information, or create an account on behalf of someone other than yourself. If your account is accessed without authorization, please notify us immediately and amend your login details immediately. You are solely responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your login details and for any purchases made through your account, whether authorized by you or not. If you have provided us with contact information, you should keep it accurate and up-to-date. You may only use your account for non-commercial purposes.
5. We reserve the right to terminate and permanently deactivate your account if you have not used it or logged in for 180 days. If deactivated, we are under no obligation to retain or provide any data or content associated with your (former) account, or refund any payments made through your (former) account, and we may allow other users to register and use your former username . Nor are we obligated to delete any public data, content or other information you upload or post on the Services.
6. Without limiting any other remedies, game.asflory.com may limit, suspend, terminate, modify, or delete an account or any interest in the Services or portions thereof if you or game.asflory.com suspect that you have not complied with the Terms of Use or any actual or suspected conduct access to the illegal or improper use of the Services without notice. game.asflory.com is not obligated to indemnify you for any loss or consequence related thereto, including but not limited to any benefit, privilege or virtual item related to your use of the service.

1. The Services may contain content from players ("User Generated Content") such as messages, opinion comments, pictures or graphics, etc. We are not actively involved in the creation or publication of such User Generated Content, and we do not endorse any User Generated Content and do not warrant that such content does not infringe any third party rights or (otherwise) is not illegal. Your use of the Services is at your own risk. By using the Services, you may be exposed to User Generated Content that is objectionable, indecent, or does not meet your expectations. You assume all risk associated with the use of any User Generated Content in connection with the Services. game.asflory.com is not responsible for any User Generated Content.
2. If you submit any User Generated Content yourself, you grant game.asflory.com a non-exclusive, irrevocable, perpetual, transferable, fully paid, royalty-free, worldwide license (including rights to sublicense and assign to third parties) to use, Publish, reproduce, distribute, adapt, prepare derivative works from, or exploit in any way such Submitted User Generated Content, or any portion thereof, in any and all ways and in all forms of media now known or hereafter developed. To the extent permitted by applicable law, you hereby waive any moral rights or rights of publicity or privacy you may have with respect to such User Generated Content.
3. Without prejudice to 2, you will retain possible title to your User Generated Content. game.asflory.com reserves the right to monitor any User Generated Content and your activities in connection with the Services, but cannot monitor or pre-screen all User Generated Content and do not attempt to do so. We have the right, but not the obligation, to edit, refuse to post or remove any User Generated Content posted on the Service at any time and for any reason in our sole discretion.
4. If you submit any User Generated Content to the Service yourself, you need to know the following:
a. You acknowledge and agree that every user of the Services has access to such User-Generated Content and that we have no control over that information or what users do with it;
b. Guarantee that you are authorized to do so and grant us the license mentioned in the second point of the third category, and that such content does not infringe any third party rights, including but not limited to any intellectual property rights, and does not violate any applicable laws. You indemnify game.asflory.com against any third party (including any authority) claims, related costs and damages in this regard.
c. Upon first request, you will cooperate with game.asflory.com to investigate any suspected illegal, fraudulent or inappropriate User Generated Content (whether from yourself or another player) or other activity on the Services. You shall indemnify game.asflory.com and its officers, directors, agents, subsidiaries, joint ventures and employees) from any disputes that may arise with or in any way related to service users or other third parties for any claims, related expenses and damages, or in connection with the service.

1. When we make our games, apps and news available to you on the Services, we may display advertisements before, during, after or around such games, apps and news. Any transaction you have with any advertiser through our Services is a transaction between you and the advertiser and is subject to the additional terms and conditions of that advertiser, if any. game.asflory.com is not responsible for any losses or claims you may have against any advertiser. Additionally, our Services may include links to third-party websites, including links provided as automated search results. The existence of such links does not imply our endorsement of these third-party websites or services. You acknowledge and agree that we are not responsible or liable for any content or other materials on these third-party websites.

1. You may only use the services provided on it for legal, personal, non-commercial purposes. To the extent any content is available for download, such content may only be downloaded for personal use and may not be further reproduced or distributed. Any download is subject to the rules that accompany that particular content. You need to know what you can't do:
a. We grant you a non-exclusive, non-transferable, and limited right to access, non-publicly display, and use the Service, including all content available therein (the “Content”) on your computer or mobile device consistent with these Terms and subject to the restrictions (technical and otherwise) of the Service. You may only access and use the Service for your personal and noncommercial use.
b. This grant is terminable by us at will for any reason and at our sole discretion, with or without prior notice. Upon termination, we may, but shall not be obligated to: (i) delete or deactivate your Account or use of the Service, (ii) block your e-mail and/or IP addresses or otherwise terminate your use of and ability to use the Service, and/or (iii) remove and/or delete any of your User Submissions (defined below). You agree not to use or attempt to use the Service after said termination. Upon termination, the grant of your right to use the Service shall terminate, but all other portions of these Terms shall survive. You acknowledge that we are not responsible to you or any third party for the termination of your grant of use.
c. use the services in a way that exceeds the rights granted to you.
d. use the Services for any data mining, robotics or similar data gathering and extraction tools on the Content; any part of the Framework Services.
e. reproduce, reproduce, adapt, display, modify, translate, transplant, publish, (sub)license, transfer or otherwise distribute or exploit the Content available on the Services without our prior written consent
f. Reverse engineer, recompile, disassemble, decipher or otherwise attempt to obtain the source code of any underlying software or other intellectual property used to provide the Service, or use any method not expressly permitted by game.asflory.com to obtain any information.
g. Provide any form of advertising or promotion on the Services without our prior written consent.
h. Direct or indirect transmission of any unsolicited bulk communications (including emails and instant messages) through the Services.
i. interfere with any other party's use and enjoyment of the Services.
j. use the services in a manner that could damage, disable or overload our servers or networks.
k. At the same time, you may not submit or transmit any information, content or materials through the Services, or otherwise engage in any of the following:
ο. is unlawful, threatening, abusive, harassing, defamatory, defamatory, deceptive, fraudulent, invasive of another's privacy, distorted, contains explicit or graphic depictions or depictions of sexual activity, or is pornographic.
ο. Infringe or violate the rights of others, including but not limited to patents, trademarks, trade secrets, copyrights, publicity or other proprietary rights.
ο. Impersonate any individual, business or entity, including game.asflory.com and its employees and agents.
ο. contain viruses or any other computer code, files or programs that would interrupt, destroy or limit the functionality of any software or hardware or telecommunications equipment, or otherwise allow unauthorized use of a computer or computer network.
ο. encourage conduct that may constitute a criminal offense or give rise to civil liability..
ο. Harm, harass, demean or intimidate an individual or group of individuals based on religion, gender, sexual orientation, race, ethnicity, age or disability.
l. otherwise violate these Terms of Use, Guidelines or any policies posted on the Services.

At the same time, game.asflory.com reserves the right to determine what it deems to be a violation of the terms of use or beyond the intent or spirit of these terms of use.
game.asflory.com reserves the right to take action accordingly, which may include terminating your account and prohibiting your use of the Services in whole or in part.